Sunday, 30 January 2011

National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park Planning Application Query

Northern Ireland Tourists disTrust of National disTrust
In the midst of the same correspondence circulated by the National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park to Campers and Caravan Owners during December 2010 in which the National Trust Northern Ireland proclaimed with clarity: 'As a result of a number of site updates Castle Ward is delighted to have received a Northern Ireland Tourist Board 4 Star Caravan Park Rating' the following was also proclaimed with equal clarity: ‘New site updates include the following: ‘Improvement of shower facilities (now separate female cubicles), New laundry facilities (token operated washer and tumble dryers), New indoor hot water washroom facilities, A small onsite shop. A new wide entrance with one way system for easy access, A new drive-on drainage post for camper vans’

Following the shocking revelations that the National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park had not in fact received a Northern Ireland Tourist Board 4 Star Caravan Park Rating as falsely claimed, further enquiries have since revealed the new site updates did not exist either, which has led to further questions being asked, and the first obvious question is simple: Why is the Northern Ireland National Trust allegedly deceiving members and customers alike with these alleged outrageously arrogant false claims?

As has already been eloquently stated elsewhere, considering the non-existent new as claimed in December 2010 constructions are to be eventually used by members of the paying public, including children, and the news that following complaints last year Health and Safety officials found it necessary to visit the National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park, presumably it would therefore be in the interest of all concerned that any new constructions at the National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park have been inspected and deemed to have been built in accordance with, and fully comply with, all current Building Regulations, and of course all current relevant Health and Safety Regulations. Therefore the following two highlighted links might prove to be interesting, and many thanks to he who rightly thought to ask the questions.

National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park planning application query. Down District Council was asked to clarify whether or not the National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park applied for and was granted planning permission for the new onsite buildings which according to a letter sent to camping and caravan owners in December 2010 were at that time already completed?

National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park planning application. The Department of the Environment (Northern Ireland), has been asked if Downpatrick Regional Planning Office can clarify whether or not the National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park @ Castle Ward Estate, Strangford, County Down, BT30 7LS applied for and was granted planning permission for the new onsite buildings which according to a letter sent to caravan owners in December 2010 were at that time already completed?

Thus far there has been no reply from either the Department of the Environment (Northern Ireland), or the Downpatrick Regional Planning Office, so we have to ask if charities and caravan parks are somehow exempt from complying with Northern Ireland current planning legislation?

Should campers and caravan owners who have been paying customers of the National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park now receive a full unreserved public apology from the National Trust? Yes!

Should campers and caravan owners who have been paying customers of the National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park now receive financial compensation from the National Trust? Yes!

When Was The National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park Awarded 4 Star Rating?

Northern Ireland Tourists disTrust of National disTrust
What do THEY know about the National Trust? Not for no reason do Northern Ireland Tourists disTrust National disTrust Northern Ireland Tourism Policy, if you can not Trust the National Trust, who can you Trust? For a little eye opening leisure time reading, follow the three highlighted links to discover the truth behind the lies, then also armed with the knowledge the National Trust has increased the fees for their Castle Ward Caravan Park at Strangford, by more than an incredible 90% within a 12 month period, decide what credence should be given to the current allegations of misrepresentation with intent to deceive for financial gain.

When was Castle Ward caravan park awarded 4 Star Rating? Perhaps you received the December 2010 letter, or email from the National Trust proclaiming to Campers and Caravan Owners: 'As a result of a number of site updates Castle Ward is delighted to have received a Northern Ireland Tourist Board 4 Star Caravan Park Rating.' The Northern Ireland Tourist Board has been asked on what precise date was the National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park inspected by NITB officials for the purpose of granting said park NITB 4 Star rating? On what precise date did Northern Ireland Tourist Board officially grant the National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park a 4 Star NITB Caravan Park Rating? What is the full criteria as laid down by the Northern Ireland Tourist Board for the granting of a 4 Star Caravan Park Rating? Read the clear precise answers from the Northern Ireland Tourist Board!

Northern Ireland Tourist Board, the National Trust and our £9.25 Million. The Northern Ireland Tourist Board has been asked if the National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park at Strangford possessed a 2Star Northern Ireland Tourist Board rating for 2010 and if not when they last had an NITB rating if ever, and what action the Northern Ireland Tourist Board intend to take against the National Trust for falsely claiming they had been awarded a 4Star NITB grading for their Castle Ward Caravan Park at Strangford which has now been proven to have been a lie.

Should campers and caravan owners who have been paying customers of the National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park now receive a full unreserved public apology from the National Trust? Yes!

Should campers and caravan owners who have been paying customers of the National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park now receive financial compensation from the National Trust? Yes!

Should you make a complaint to Trading Standards Northern Ireland alleging misrepresentation with intent to deceive for financial gain as others already have? Yes! Yes! Yes!

Trading Standards Northern Ireland Email:
Trading Standards Northern Ireland Tel: 028 9025 3960 (ext: 53960)

Saturday, 29 January 2011

Northern Ireland Tourist Plank 4 Star Spacecraft Park

NdTNI - Northern Ireland Tourist disTrust of National disTrust
Disclaimer: The National disTrust of Northern Ireland is not in anyway associated with any other organisation, charity, or Limited Company within the current secondary Universe, or with any other organisation, charity, or Limited Company possessing the remotest of similar secondary names, although Senior Management members of the non-existent National disTrust staff may at times claim to be in the employ of other non-related organisations of the planet Mars, all such claims should be regarded as mere fictional fairy stories from a twisted secondary warped speed mindset.

Membership of the National disTrust of Ballykaziyermaun and its alleged illegitimate offspring the alleged National disTrust of Northern Ireland is strictly restricted to official residents of the planet Ballykaziyermaun, and all illegal immigrants from the aforementioned planet Ballykaziyermaun now holidaying in an unspecified alien Spacecraft Park in Northern Ireland which in turn is allegedly awaiting official Northern Ireland Tourist Plank 4 Star Spacecraft Park Declassification.

An Alleged Appeal by the Alleged National disTrust of Northern Ireland and Ballykaziyermaun

NdTNI - Northern Ireland Tourists disTrust National disTrust
A genuine heartfelt plea for Rubles from the National disTrust of Ballykaziyermaun on behalf of its alleged illegitimate offspring the alleged National disTrust of Northern Ireland. That's allegedly Norn Iron to the rest of the alleged population.

The alleged National disTrust of Northern Ireland is of course the allegedly rumoured non-independent dependent subsidiary regional headquarters of the National disTrust of Ballykaziyermaun, a great and noble planet situated just South West of the planet Earth, except on alternate Tuesdays when it is instead situated North West of the planet Mars.

The alleged National disTrust of Northern Ireland is of course allegedly indistinguishable from it's non-domociled nomad parental greatness, the National disTrust of Ballykaziyermaun, a charity basket case, except on the days when it is an alleged profit making Limited Company.

*Donations of Ballykaziyermaun Rubles should allegedly be forwarded to the alleged National disTrust of Northern Ireland c/o The Big Rock Pile, Greater North West Ballykaziyermaun, BK66 6GC

*Current Exchange Rate: 1 UK Pound = 9.25 Million Ballykaziyermaun Rubles, or 9.25 Grams of Irish Spudz

Friday, 28 January 2011

The National Trust Version of the Truth of the Lies

NdTNI - Northern Ireland Tourists disTrust National disTrust

'The Truth of the Lie' is a book by Gonçalo Amaral based on the criminal investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, an innocent little girl allegedly abandoned for the night, then allegedly abducted, or depending on which version of events you want to believe, allegedly murdered.

According to mail circulated in December 2010 to caravan owning National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park customers, the National Trust proudly proclaimed with clarity: As a result of a number of site updates Castle Ward is delighted to have received a Northern Ireland Tourist Board 4 Star Caravan Park Rating.'

And as if that wasn't enough to whet the appetite and have you rushing to make your bookings for the year, they further impressively claimed: 'New site updates include the following: Improvement of shower facilities (now separate female cubicles), New laundry facilities (token operated washer and tumble dryers), New indoor hot water washroom facilities, A small onsite shop, A new wide entrance with one way system for easy access, A new drive-on drainage post for camper vans, All year opening from 1 March 2011.' Haven't they been busy beavers since the end of October 2010?

Then came the questions from already disillusioned doubting National Trust Members, and former customers. When was Castle Ward caravan park awarded 4 Star Rating? asked one member of the public, and the official answer to the impertinent question? The National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park had NOT been awarded any Rating by the Northern Ireland Tourist Board as claimed by the National Trust.

Also revealed was the fact the National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park had NOT been Rated at all by the Northern Ireland Tourist Board for many years, so why was the National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park allegedly masquerading as a 2 Star caravan park prior to 2011, and how then do they justify the 60% site fee increase of January 2010?

Under the heading: Northern Ireland Tourist Board, the National Trust and our £9.25 Million, more questions were asked of the Northern Ireland Tourist Board, questions which thus far remain unanswered.

Having accepted bookings, and payments, (another increase in site fees making it approx 90% within 12 months) and having then been informed they'd been rumbled, the National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park in a further mailing to customers on 19th January 2011, ambiguously proclaimed: 'I am writing to follow up my recent letter and to provide you with further clarification in relation to the Castle Caravan. In my earlier letter I indicated that we had received four star rating for the Caravan, but I did not make clear that this is subject to completing specific works.

Due to the very inclement weather conditions during December, work on the planned upgrade to bring the facilities fully up to four star rating was unavoidably delayed. I am pleased to say, however, that construction work is now well underway and on track for our opening date of 1 March 2011. We expect to achieve our new 4star rating from NITB following the completion of these works.

We look forward to welcoming you back to the site again soon.'

The truth regarding the alleged lie of the foregoing statement is thus, the National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park will NOT have been graded or awarded a 4 Star Rating by the Northern Ireland Tourist Board when the Caravan Park opens on the 1st March 2011, nor will it have been graded or awarded a 2 Star Rating by the Northern Ireland Tourist Board.

Sceptics would probably allege misrepresentation with intent to deceive for financial gain, but why would a charity such as the National Trust attempt to allegedly deceive the public of Northern Ireland? Perhaps the rumours of the National Trust in Northern Ireland annually incurring huge financial losses, are not rumours after all.

Seem to remember reading someplace that it is better to ultimately succeed with the truth than to temporarily succeed with a lie, although personal dealings with Senior Management personnel of the National disTrust would thus far indicate the opposite appears to be their policy

Monday, 24 January 2011

Can We Trust The National disTrust of Northern Ireland?

NdTNI - The National disTrust of Northern Ireland Tourism Plank
A previous Chairman of the National Trust apparently once said 'As one of the largest charities, independent of government we are dependent on the support of our 3.5 million members, our visitors, benefactors and our partners to help us find the huge resources necessary to protect and enhance this inheritance. If we fail future generations will not forgive us.
To make every pound count we try to manage our affairs efficiently as the best business so we have radically reformed the way we operate. And we must take decisions quickly, transparently and accountably to give people confidence in the way the charity is run and this is why we have introduced the most far-reaching governance reforms in the Trust’s history.'

A statement of considerable substance, one which takes time to fully digest, particularly so if you're a member, and/or customer, of the National disTrust of Northern Ireland.

Independent of Government! Why then has our dysfunctional Government found it necessary to hand over a reported £9.25 million of our money, and what foolproof safeguards, if any, are in place to ensure every penny of our money is used for the intended purpose - destroying the landscape of Northern Ireland for the allegedly rumoured sole purpose of cashing in on tourism?

Dependent on the support of members, and visitors - customers - to find huge resources! There is a need for the National disTrust to state how many members allegedly actually visit their properties in Northern Ireland, and from where those figures are allegedly summoned. When one realises the National disTrust receives for each visiting member - a 'subsidy' from the pot of the National Trust as a whole - one begins to wonder about what has allegedly been actually alleged, what has actually been witnessed.

Efficient management makes every £pound count! Some would argue otherwise, point towards alleged excessive extravagance, alleged sheer incompetence, alleged mismanagement to list but three allegedly much used phrases.

Quick decisions, transparency and accountably! Quite obviously a previous chairman who never suffered the misfortune of meeting local Senior Management. There are those members, customers who would make use of different words to describe their long drawn out ongoing experiences - and documentation to prove the truth of the lie.

Governance reforms for public confidence! Perhaps the aforementioned well meant speech from the previous Chairman was simply made too many years before the birth of the current National disTrust regime of Northern Ireland.

If we fail future generations will not forgive us! Quite correct, but neither is this generation likely to forgive this National disTrust regime of Northern Ireland.

Sunday, 23 January 2011

NdTNI - The National disTrust of Northern Ireland

NdTNI - The National disTrust of Northern Ireland Tourism Plank
Northern Ireland
is as some would claim, a divided Country within a divided Country – on the Island of Ireland. Northern Ireland as the name would suggest is situated in Northern Ireland. Whereas it is part of the Island of Ireland, it isn’t Irish, it's British, part of the United Kingdom of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The others just happen to be located on another Island, slightly to the East of Ireland. Obviously it could have been worse, we could have been located even further West – America, not that we don’t have our fair share of Cowboys and Indians running amok throughout our fair land - or we could have been located even further North – Iceland, not that we don’t have our fair share of Iceland shops dotted around our towns and cities.

The people of Northern Ireland are British, or Irish – including the Cowboys and Indians – and those from other countries of course. The spoken language of Northern Ireland is English, because we’re British perhaps, although in Ireland, they also use the English language, because they’re Irish one might suppose – also in Northern Ireland the spoken language is Irish, if you’re Irish, not British, and then there is Ulster-Scots - an official language which isn’t – it’s a dialect you see, not a language at all, unless you live in Northern Ireland – it’s a Tribal thing you see, which brings us back to those Cowboys and Indians, many of whom reside in that Great Big House on the Hill.

And those folk on the hill, those allegedly rumoured to be our self serving political representatives, those alleged incompetents who have allegedly so maladministered the finances and functionality of our country - dare we trust them further, and if we cannot now even trust our own democratically elected government - who then can we trust - the National disTrust?

Kings, Queens and Clans of Northern Ireland - The New Regime

NdTNI - The National disTrust of Northern Ireland Tourism Plank
Most amongst us might have assumed like the Plantation of Ulster, the days of the Kings, Queens and their assorted Clans of Northern Ireland had long since passed into ancient history, but there are also those in our midst, those who would appear to have been ressurected. Perhaps it was the Troubles, the void left behind, the dysfunctional Government, the decimated police force, the society ripe for change - when would there ever be a more opportune time to build an Empire, a new Clan of administration, a new Ruler to reign over it?

Our aim is to hold the National disTrust here in Northern Ireland - to account.