Tuesday, 15 February 2011

The Building of a National Trust Empire

NdTNI - National disTrust of National Trust Northern Ireland Policy
The building of an Empire has been defined as being the act of increasing the size and scope of an organization's power and influence. Throughout the recent Labour Government fuelled Boom years which ended with a most spectacular Bang, property developers throughout the North of Ireland, and elsewhere, participated in the Empire building game with a heart and a half, and other people’s money. The rules of the Empire building game were simple, there weren't any, it was trample on whosoever dared stand in the way of 'progress', it was dog eat dog, on the way to the top rung of the ladder, somewhere up there in cloud cuckoo land.

Empire building has also been said to be unhealthy for a corporation, any corporation, as senior managers become more concerned with acquiring greater resource control than with optimally allocating resources, and any corporate controls imposed by a company's board and senior management are supposed to prevent empire building within a corporation's ranks, which in theory probably sounds good to somebody.

Luckily, or eventually it might be, for the 'peasants', the Empire building property developers ignored all the non-existent rules, and the Bank of the Golden Goose not only stopped laying it's Golden Eggs, it demanded they be returned, with interest, and why was this? Simple, the greed infested arrogant bankers had also been Empire building, and they also had chosen to ignore the non-existent rules. It's also been stated that failure to screen out empire builders can lead to corporate actions that do not necessarily provide the best growth opportunities for a corporation and its members, such as acquisitions made to boost the control of senior management.

While we all cheered as news broke of the next greed fuelled arrogant land grabbing developer to tumble from on high, the downside was as usual the innocent victims, the families left without incomes, without their homes, left to beg for Government handouts. May each and every corrupt greedy Empire builder rot in Hell, the innocent victims might rightly ask of their God.

Now, about those other Empire builders, using not money from the Bank of High Street, rather the alleged Bank of Us Peasants, their alleged arrogance defies belief, their wings require clipping, never though by those they control, those queuing for the riches to be had from the new Golden Goose, a National Park after the next election anyone!