Sunday, 13 February 2011

The National disTrust, NdTNI, HMRC and Moral Status

NdTNI - National disTrust of National Trust Northern Ireland Policy
Without morals, Charity begins with a Limited Company, it's all perfectly legal of course, being a Registered Charity and a Limited Company, and being both allegedly comes with fringe benefits. As a Charity it would probably be allegedly possible for the National disTrust of Northern Ireland (NdTNI) to apply for and receive eye watering Government handouts, even if the alleged National disTrust of Northern Ireland Limited had a healthy yearly turnover and several £Million stashed way in the bank, or that could even be plural, as in banks.

With the foregoing scenario one might rightly ask why the unCharitable - National disTrust of Northern Ireland (NdTNI) - would require a sizeable Government handout, and rightly so. The answer can be complex, or simple. Simple though is nothing more than an opt out for the simple minded, nonetheless the simple answer is simple: If the Government of the day is full of alleged simpleton puppets, why not? And besides, there is always the question of who has their hands on those all important puppet strings, therefore I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you, and many riches will be yours, even if you waste them on the barren lands of Norn Iron, the new Empire.

A more complex answer would be to lay the blame, the whole blame and nothing but the blame at the door of HMRC a subject about which it would undoubtedly be possible to speak eloquently for many hours. Hours of utter drivel of course, but it is they and they alone, the HMRC, who is responsible for all of the ills suffered by the unCharitable - National disTrust of Northern Ireland (NdTNI). The HMRC has the authority to enforce huge fee increases upon the all new Declassified but deRatified 4 Star Spacecraft Park. HMRC without any known rhyme or reason use their absolute power on a yearly basis to further ensure the NdTNI operates at a sizeable financial loss, year on year, though not the National disTrust on Planet Ballykaziyermaun you understand, merely the NdTNI in Northern Ireland, so says leastways some eejit in the unemploy of the NdTNI.

Due to incompetent NdTNI staff employment arrangements, all highly over paid members of the NdTNI staff, despite allegedly being ungainfully employed on other interplanetary mediums, most honourably perform any necessary deed, and speak any utter drivel, true or otherwise as is necessary to serve and protect the NdTNI from any and all potential threatening Aliens from wheresoever they might or might not invade the NdTNI, therefore, understandably, none of the foregoing drivel is true, and is for the consumption of only those that know nothing. Also therefore allegedly untrue is the alleged scurrilous rumour suggesting an NdTNI interplanetary spacecraft crash landed on Planet Anus seriously injuring the robotic No. 5 crew members, many of whom have since been allegedly disassembled lest they wreak verbal havoc on aforementioned Planet Anus.