NdTNI - National disTrust of National Trust Northern Ireland Policy
Stupid question, but does any of the two photographs taken in January showing construction of new facilities at the National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park inspire confidence in even the most optimistic person?

Do these images represent the work of dilligent professional building contractors who know what they're doing, or the work of amateur volunteers who know not what they do? Gilbert-Ash N.I. Ltd the construction company awarded the contract to build a new visitors' centre at the North Coast Quarry Attraction presumably decided the Castle Ward Caravan Park new site updates were out of their league, therefore was rumoured to have refrained from tendering for the huge contract. When 'completed' will this new 'construction' pass an Inspection by Health and Safety Officials, and officials from Downpatrick Regional Planning Office? Would you as a responsible caring parent permit your child to enter the 'completed' construction?

Remember the December 2010 communication from the
National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park proudly proclaiming how delighted they were to have received a Northern Ireland Tourist Board 4 Star Caravan Park Rating, which turned out to be something other than the truth, how unusual for the
National Trust! Remember also the new site updates as mentioned in the same communication of December 2010?
Should the
National Trust receive a 4 Star Rating from the
Northern Ireland Tourist Board, the honest hard working experienced owners of safe, immaculate, honestly operated, genuine 2 Star, and 4 Star Northern Ireland Tourist Board Approved Caravan Parks throughout Northern Ireland will be asking serious searching questions of the NITB, and expecting truthful answers regarding the validity of the now meaningless
NITB Grading Scheme.