Monday, 7 February 2011

Experience National disTrust Ballykaziyermaun 4 Star Spacecraft Park Experience

NdTNI - Northern Ireland Tourists disTrust National disTrust
Opening soon, where some mountains allegedly sweep down to the magically mythical sea of Landire, subject to planning permission not being applied for, or granted by the NdTNI Alien Planning Police, the all new singing dancing National disTrust of Ballykaziyermaun 4 Star Spacecraft Park on Planet Ballykaziyermaun, subject to receiving R9.25 Million (Ballykaziyermaun Rubles) from the Ballykaziyermaun Tourist Plank for the purposes of excavating a newly disused quarry nearly next to the Sea of the Innersanctum of Tranquillity.

The new pricing structure for the all new Ballykaziyermaun 4 Star Spacecraft Park Declassified but deRatified by the Ballykaziyermaun Tourist Plank, is as follows:

One Spacecraft Landing Zone Area - R9.25 Million (Ballykaziyermaun Rubles) The price includes an allowance for 2 disease free Aliens.

Additionally each Alien Offspring will be charged an additional R9.25 Million (Ballykaziyermaun Rubles) per tentacle.

Additionally there will be an additional compulsory charge of R9.25 Million (Ballykaziyermaun Rubles) per Alien Unit for the purpose of experiencing the Great Ballykaziyermaun experience of non-existence existence experience.
Opening Hours: BKYM Time Zone 9.25 Planet Hours to BKYM Time Zone 9.25 Planet Hours.

Non-recession proof Alien peasants can make use of the alternative entrance scheme by entering the Ballykaziyermaun 4 Star Spacecraft Park via the Planet Anus entrance.

All other fee paying Alien peasants will be CLICKERED in to the Ballykaziyermaun 4 Star Spacecraft Park and possibly CLICKERED out as being CLICKERED in, and in, and in, and in, and in, and in, and in, and in, and in, and in, and Damn! CLICKER burnt out CLICKERING. What Alien peasant purchased CLICKERS from Planet

Some unknown misinformed facts about National disTrust of Ballykaziyermaun, and Planet Ballykaziyermaun.

Population Grand Total of Planet Ballykaziyermaun Alien Residents = 9.25 Million

Membership Grand Total of National disTrust of Ballykaziyermaun Registered Alien Peasant Members = 925

Grand Total of Registered Alien Peasant Members Experiencing Ballykaziyermaun Experience Parks Daily = 925.925 Million

(Slight discrepancies in any allegedly rumoured illegitimate rumouredly alleged inflated figures should be ignored as being inflated with faulty over enthusiastic Ballykaziyermaun Alien peasant pumper management thingy.)

Grand Total Annual Loss Making Non-Profits = R9.25 Million (Ballykaziyermaun Rubles)

Memo to Ballykaziyermaun Alien Peasant Clicker Orderer: Order more CLICKERS!

Disclaimer: None of the foregoing is known to be true therefore it might be true, it might not be, or it could only be speculative conjecture as related by a fully conscripted Alien Member of the National disTrust of Ballykaziyermaun