Northern Ireland Tourists disTrust National disTrust
Remember receiving the December 2010 correspondence from the National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park which unambiguously proclaimed: 'As a result of a number of site updates Castle Ward is delighted to have received a Northern Ireland Tourist Board 4 Star Caravan Park Rating'
Despite what can only be described as ambiguous clarification from the National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park in late January 2011, here is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about that Northern Ireland Tourist Board 4Star Rating. The National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park does NOT have nor will it have a 4Star NITB Rating or any other NITB Rating when the aforementioned National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park opens for the 2011 camping and caravan season, a fact that has been confirmed with clarity by the Northern Ireland Tourist Board.
Therefore ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls, sit back; relax whilst a tale of woe is told. The Northern Ireland Tourist Board has most kindly confirmed with some authority the following. The National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park has not been a member of the Northern Ireland Tourist Board grading scheme for many years, therefore the aforementioned National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park on the outskirts of the picturesque village of Strangford, has for many years, including 2010, been an ungraded, unrated camping and caravan park, except perhaps in the minds of those much superior beings looking down upon the 'peasants' of the land.
The Inspector for the Northern Ireland Tourist Board grading scheme, visited the National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park on 13th October 2010 and discussed improvement proposals to the facilities. The Inspector explained to the National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park that NO assessment of the new facilities would be conducted until the work was complete.
The Inspector received an application by email from the National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park on 3rd January 2011 and an invoice for payment has subsequently been issued. (The payment of invoices, cheques winging their way across the celestial sphere; are topics to be revisited on another day.) Take note dear friends of the date the National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park applied by email to the NITB with a view to joining the scheme. The National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park informed campers and caravan owners during December 2010 that they had received a Northern Ireland Tourist Board 4 Star Caravan Park Rating, but now it has been revealed they had at that time not even applied to be considered for an NITB Rating
No inspection will be carried out until after the proposed improvements have been completed and the National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park has reopened for the new 2011 camping and caravan season. Until that inspection is carried out and the National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park is deemed to meet the required standards as set out in the star grading scheme - the National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park will NOT have an NITB Star rating of any numerical figure higher than ZERO.
A full copy of the required standards is available to view here on the NITB website.
Therefore, if under the illusion you would be staying at a 4Star Camping and Caravan Park, you have made a booking for the National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park, and paid in full as is required, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth is, until such times as the NITB says otherwise, you will be staying at an UNRATED, UNGRADED by the NITB, National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park which is exactly what it has been for many years.
Very obviously, any rumoured allegations of whether or not the National Trust are guilty of fraud, or attempted fraud will be for others to investigate and decide, the rest of us will have to make our own judgement, but first there will be further revelations to consider.
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park 4Star Clarification
4 Star Rating,
Castle Ward Caravan Park,
National Trust Castle Ward Caravan Park,
Northern Ireland Tourist Board,